Save for tomorrow, starting today

Discover your perfect savings account, no matter what your financial goals are. 

High interest savings await

Accounts that help you grow your money faster and reach your savings goals sooner.


MomentumPLUS Savings Account

$0 per month

Special offer tag

Earn a savings rate of up to 5.10%* for 3 months. 

Get a higher rate
the longer you save

self-service transfers between your Scotia accounts2

No minimum balance
needed in your account


Savings Accelerator Account

$0 per month

Add onto
any non-registered or registered plan

No minimum balance 
needed in your account

self-service transfers between your Scotia accounts3


Money Master Savings Account

$0 per month

Grow your savings
with your debit card4 and Bank the Rest®

Access your money 
at any time  

No minimum balance 
needed in your account

Need help choosing an account?

Included with every Scotia savings account

Mobile and online banking

No monthly account fees

4,000+ ABM and convenient branch locations

Personalized financial advice 

Frequently asked questions

Bank better

Looking to change your Scotia account?

We’ll help you make the switch. 

Advice+ for financial planning

Tips and tools to build a financial plan.

Save with every purchase

Find out how you can save money, every time you use your debit card.