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MomentumPLUS Savings Account
$0 per month

Earn a savings rate of up to 5.10%* for 3 months.
Get a higher rate
the longer you save
self-service transfers between your Scotia accounts2
No minimum balance
needed in your account
Savings Accelerator Account
$0 per month
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any non-registered or registered plan
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needed in your account
self-service transfers between your Scotia accounts3
Money Master Savings Account
$0 per month
Grow your savings
with your debit card4 and Bank the Rest®
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at any time
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needed in your account
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Includes Regular Interest Rate of 0.65% plus a Package Interest Rate Boost of 0.10% for Ultimate Package holders, 360-Day Premium Period Interest Rate of 0.55% and a Welcome Bonus Interest Rate of 3.80% for 3 months. Regular Interest plus a Package Interest Rate Boost of 0.10% for Ultimate Package holders (or 0.05% for Preferred Package holders) is calculated daily, paid monthly. Premium Period Interest is earned when you choose a 90, 180, 270 and/or 360-day Premium Period. A longer Premium Period earns a higher Premium Period Interest Rate provided you don’t make any withdrawals within the Premium Period you select. Premium Period Interest is calculated daily, paid at the end of the applicable Premium Period. Welcome Bonus Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly for 90 days (3 months) on your first MomentumPLUS Savings Account opened. Interest rates are per annum and subject to change. Visit the Current Rates Page for more information and current rates.
Compared to other consumer credit cards publicly offered by Canadian Schedule 1 banks as of March 3, 2023.
We will not charge you Foreign Transaction Fees on foreign currency transactions, including purchases, only the exchange rate applies. The term “Foreign Transaction Fees” is a substitute for “Foreign Currency Conversion” as described in the Disclosure Statement you received with your Card. This fee relates to the 2.5% mark-up that is typically charged by credit card issuers in addition to the exchange rate. See the Foreign Currency Conversion section of the Disclosure Statement for this Card for full details. Rates and fees are subject to change.