Order supplementary credit cards
One account. Multiple cards. Shared benefits.
Add supplementary cardholders to your credit card account—it's easy
To add a person such as friend or family member as a supplementary cardholder to your credit card account you'll need:
- Your existing Scotiabank Credit Card Account Number
- The supplementary cardholder's name, address, phone number and date of birth (please be sure you have the consent of your supplementary cardholder to provide us that information)
Only the Primary Cardholder or the Co-Borrower Cardholder on a Credit Card Account can add supplementary cardholders to their Scotiabank Credit Card Account.
Supplementary Cardholders enjoy1 the following benefits:
Your supplementary cardholder will have access to many of the same benefits that you do on your Scotiabank Credit Card Account, including membership in the Scene+ Program.
Added rewards
If your Scotiabank Credit Card Account earns rewards (cash back, Scene+™ points etc.), everyday purchases made by your supplementary cardholder will earn rewards that will be applied to your Scotiabank Credit Card Account for your benefit.
Simplified Record Keeping for you and your Supplementary Cardholder
Transactions are consolidated on your account, and easily identified.
Your Supplementary Cardholder can make purchases and cash advances through your Credit Card Account.
Activate your card
Once you receive your new Credit Card you can activate it online quickly and securely. It only takes a minute and you'll be on your way to enjoying the many benefits of your new card.
Order Supplementary Cards

In Person
Make an appointment at your local branch

By Phone
Call the Scotiabank Credit Card Centre

Sign in
Scotia Online
The Primary Cardholder and any Co-Borrower on the Scotiabank Credit Card Account will be responsible for all charges made to the Account, including those made by the supplementary cardholder.