Credit Card Terms and Conditions

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By completing this application or accepting this pre-approved offer, you confirm all information you provide to us is true and complete. All references to “you” in this application or acceptance form mean the applicant (primary borrower) for the Credit Card Account.

Credit limit

If you do not qualify for the credit limit indicated on this application or pre-approval form, you agree this application or pre-approval form is for the credit limit you do qualify for.

Agreements that apply

If your application is approved or you accept this offer, you agree to the agreements that apply to your Credit Card Account (the “Agreements”), including, as applicable:

  • the Revolving Credit Agreement (applies to Scotiabank American Express and Visa credit cards only) or
  • the Scotia Momentum® Mastercard Cardholder Agreement (applies to Scotiabank Mastercard credit cards only),
  • the associated disclosure statements for the Credit Card Account, including the Application Disclosure Statement that forms part of this application or acceptance and disclosure statement you will receive with your Card(s), each of which include the rates and fees that apply to the Credit Card Account, and
  • the Scotiabank Privacy Agreement, which can be accessed at or at any Scotiabank branch.

Copies of the Agreements will be provided to you or made available to you (including in some cases when you receive your Scotiabank Credit Card) and may also be obtained at a Scotiabank branch.

You agree you will provide these Agreements, or make copies of them available, to any supplementary cardholder(s) on your Credit Card Account.

Annual fee

You agree to pay any applicable annual fee(s) for your Credit Card Account regardless of card activation. Refer to the Application Disclosure Statement for more information on rates and fees.

All rates and fees are subject to change.

Insurance benefits (Quebec residents only)

We are required to advise you that this card comes with Embedded insurance benefits. Please click on the link to review the Product Summary and learn more about these insurance benefits, including exclusions as well as claim procedure details. Manulife insurance benefits >

Quebec residents only / Résidents du Québec seulement

You acknowledge that the French and English versions of this agreement were remitted to you. You expressly request and agree to be bound exclusively by the English version of this agreement and that all related documents, including any notices, be drafted in English only.

Vous reconnaissez que les versions française et anglaise de cette convention vous ont été remises. Vous demandez expressément et acceptez d'être lié exclusivement par la version anglaise de cette convention et que tous les documents qui s’y rattachent, y compris tous les avis, soient rédigés en anglais seulement.