Manage your Scotia SelectPay plans

Scotia SelectPay is a new way to convert eligible credit card purchases of $100 or more into fixed monthly installment payments with no interest rate on your plan and a low fee.1

Easily manage your Scotia SelectPay plans

On the Scotia app, you can see your SelectPay plan details, the payments you’ve made, and what’s remaining.

  1. Select your eligible Scotia credit card and tap the Scotia SelectPay icon
  2. Under the My plans tab, choose the plan you want to review

Cancel a Scotia SelectPay plan

On the Scotia app, you can cancel a SelectPay plan at any time, without any cancellation penalties.

  1. Select your eligible Scotia credit card and tap the Scotia SelectPay icon
  2. Under the My plans tab, choose the active plan you want to cancel
  3. Tap the Review and cancel button
  4. Slide to cancel plan

You won’t be charged the remaining monthly installment fees once the plan has been cancelled. Note that once you cancel an installment plan, the remaining outstanding installment balance under it will be re-applied to the balance owing on your Scotia credit card account and any interest that applies will be charged at the then current annual interest rate that applies to purchases. 

Refer to the SelectPay Terms and Conditions for full details.

Reading your statement

Check out what’s changed and what’s new in your statement when you enroll in a Scotia SelectPay plan.

Total minimum payment: Payment we need to receive each month by your payment due date for your account to remain in good standing, including your current installment payment.3

Current installment payment: The monthly installment payment that we must receive by your payment due date for your Installment Plan to remain in good standing. 

Installment plan details: See the last page of your statement for details about your current plans, including any fees that apply to each plan and the outstanding installment balance for each of your plans.

Scotia SelectPay FAQs


FAQs about managing, changing and cancelling your Scotia SelectPay Installment Plans

FAQs about Scotia SelectPay Installment Plan payments

For more information on Scotia SelectPay, please visit our Help Center