Additional Terms and Conditions for Bank Accounts

You can view this page in French.

Electronic document delivery

Your chequing and savings accounts will be paperless. You will receive all terms and conditions documents and notices, as well as account statements, electronically. You can change your record-keeping options at any time following account opening.
Consent to Receipt of Electronic Documents (PDF)

Tax disclosure

The information provided regarding your U.S or other foreign tax jurisdiction and Tax Information Number (TIN) is correct and complete and that you undertake to advise Scotiabank immediately of any change in circumstance that causes the information provided to be incorrect and to provide an updated tax residency self-certification within 30 days. Failure to provide an updated tax residency self-certification and TIN(s) when required may result in your incurring regulatory fines, either directly or indirectly, and may also result in the closure of your accounts.

Third party

You are not opening this account for someone else (i.e. a third party). A third party is an individual or entity who is not an account holder but gives instructions or directs the activity on the account. This doesn’t include a joint account holder or an individual with Power of Attorney.

Quebec residents only / Résidents du Québec seulement

You acknowledge that the French and English versions of this agreement were remitted to you. You expressly request and agree to be bound exclusively by the English version of this agreement and that all related documents, including any notices, be drafted in English only.

Vous reconnaissez que les versions française et anglaise de cette convention vous ont été remises. Vous demandez expressément et acceptez d'être lié exclusivement par la version anglaise de cette convention et que tous les documents qui s’y rattachent, y compris tous avis, soient rédigés en anglais seulement.