ESG Publications & Policies
ESG-related policies
Scotiabank Code of Conduct
N/A | pdf : 5
Scotiabank Human Rights Statement
N/A | pdf : 166
Whistleblower Policy (Enterprise-wide)
N/A | pdf : 459
Scotiabank 2023 GHG Report Methodology
GHG Report Methodology 2023 | pdf : 283
Scotiabank Employee Health and Safety Statement
N/A | pdf : 66
Supplier Code of Conduct
This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the obligations that third parties must comply with when conducting business with, providing goods and services to, or acting on behalf of, Scotiabank world-wide.
Privacy Commitment
As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering and maintaining trust, Scotiabank has established a robust privacy program that is designed to protect the personal information entrusted to us.
Scotiabank Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising Policy
This Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising Policy, along with the Scotiabank Privacy Agreement, describes how Scotiabank uses cookies and other technologies to provide our customers and business partners (“you”) with personalized products and services
Privacy Agreement
With this Privacy Agreement, along with our Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising Policy, we are striving to provide you with a good understanding of why we collect and use your personal information, how your information is shared, retained and protected and how you can exercise your personal choices
Scotiabank Green Bonds
Download Scotiabank's Green Bond Framework, a Second-Party Opinion, and the 2020 Green Bond Report.
Scotiabank’s Statement on Financing Coal
Scotiabank’s lending policies restrict exposure to thermal coal mining and coal power generation.
Scotiabank’s Statement on Financing in the Arctic
In 2020, Scotiabank enhanced our lending policies concerning financing in the Arctic and our support for protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Scotiabank’s Enterprise Modern Slavery Statement
Download Scotiabank’s statement pursuant to the UK and Australia Modern Slavery Acts
Nature-Related Sustainability Policies for Non-Retail Lending
Scotiabank’s commercial and corporate lending policies pertaining to nature-related risks and impacts.
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