Women have been calling for equality
for over a century
Scotiabank is committed to dismantling the barriers faced by women.
Act so she won’t have to say it again
We’ve made progress, but there’s still more work to do.
We’re committed to working for equality so future generations won’t have to say it again.
How we’re driving for equality for every future
Scotiabank continues to work together with our communities to remove barriers, increase opportunities, and improve representation for women.

Enabling women to thrive
The Scotiabank Women Initiative provides women with access to capital, financial services, innovation, education, mentorship, and advisory solutions.
We’ve committed to allocating $3 billion to women-owned, women-led businesses, with over two-thirds allocated since 2018. The program has also supported thousands of women with resources, tools, advice, and meaningful mentorship sessions.

Removing barriers to economic opportunity
ScotiaRISE is our 10-year, $500 million commitment to giving under-represented groups, including women, equal access to participating in the economy. ScotiaRISE focuses on increasing high school completion, helping newcomers feel at home faster, and removing barriers to career advancement.
Supporting economic recovery programs for women and girls
We're investing $200,000 in support of the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s Building Women’s Economic Security in the Pandemic Project, a unique, national funding program created to assist services for women. This donation will help nine proven, high-impact programs across Canada focused on alleviating poverty and building women’s economic security.
For International Women’s Day 2021, we’re donating an additional $1 for every social post with #SaidBefore to the Canadian Women’s Foundation, up to a maximum of $50,000*.
Sponsoring women athletes
We’ve committed over $7 million since 2006 to help women and girls succeed on and off the ice through initiatives such as the Scotiabank Girls HockeyFest, Scotia Rising Teammates, the Scotiabank Community Hockey Sponsorship Program, and the Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association.
Representing equality in marketing
We’re committed to marketing practices that are free of bias and support minority-owned suppliers. As a member of SeeHer, we advocate for and participate in the accurate portrayal of women and girls in marketing.
Supporting healthcare
We’re investing $700,000 in the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto to support the Crossroads Clinic for refugees and the Women’s Virtual (Canada’s first virtual hospital).
Supporting entrepreneurs
We’re investing $100,000 with Groupe 3737 to support the Womenpreneurs program and the Mastermind Event which will reach approximately 30 female entrepreneurs per year.
Our ongoing commitment is to build an inclusive workplace, and we’d like you to be a part of it.
Resources for women
The Scotiabank Women Initiative Digital Hub has resources to help women-owned and women-led business navigate these times and grow digitally.