Indira V. Samarasekera, O.C., Ph.D.

Indira Samarasekera is a senior advisor at Bennett Jones LLP, a law firm, and a corporate director. Dr. Samarasekera was President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Alberta from 2005 to 2015 and prior to that, the Vice President, Research at the University of British Columbia from 2000 to 2005. She is a member of the Trilateral Commission. Dr. Samarasekera holds a B.Sc. (in mechanical engineering) from the University of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), a M.Sc. (in mechanical engineering) from the University of California, as a Hayes Fulbright Scholar, and a Ph.D. (in metallurgical engineering) from the University of British Columbia. She is an Officer of the Order of Canada, a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering, and was awarded an honorary D. Sc. at Queen’s University in May 2018.
Key Areas of Experience
- Environmental and social responsibility
- Governance
- Human resources and executive compensation
- Public policy
- Technology
Scotiabank Board Details
- Director since May 26, 2008
- Member of Corporate Governance Committee and Human Resources Committee
- Independent
Public Company Directorships
- Magna International Inc.
- TC Energy Corporation
- Stelco Holdings Inc.