Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Abbott, Fred | Wesleyville, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Abbott, L. C. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Acteson, G. L. | New Carlisle, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Adam, E. | Montego Bay, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Adam, R. T. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Adams, G. D. | Westmeath, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Adams, J.G. | Stationery Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Adams, Thomas Gilbert | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Alexander, A. A. | Elmwood, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Allan, A. W. | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Allen, Arthur Spencer | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Allen, Martin Forkes | Keewatin, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Almon, Ellis Skaife | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Anderson, A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Anderson, A. P. | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Anderson, James Alfred | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Anderson, W. A. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Andrews, R. | Stationery Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Annable, Frederick Moody | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Aparicio, L. | San Juan, Puerto Rico | Bank of Nova Scotia | Puerto Rico |
Argue, William Alvin | Tisdale, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Armstrong, Alfred W. | Morrisburg, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Armstrong, Aubrey Andrew | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Arthur, W. B. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ashforth, W. V. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Atkinson, Earle Newton | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Atkinson, Frederick Earl | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Roll of Honour - The Great War

Roll of Honour - The Great War (World War I) 1914-1918
Listed below are staff members from The Bank of Nova Scotia, or subsequent acquired institutions, that served during the Great War (1914-1918).
For more information, please reach out to the Scotiabank Archives at
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Bailey, Percy Edwin | Richmond, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Baines, Egerton Bancks | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Baird, Robert Burns | Ottawa South, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Baker, C. C. | Main Branch, Stratford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Baldwin, W. T. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Balmer, R. A. | Barrie Business Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Barclay, Willis Dixon | Mountain, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Barker, Elzwood | Powassan, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Barkley, Charles Ross | Star City, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Barnes, Robert William Otty | Hampton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Barnes. W. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Barr, C. J. | Milverton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Barr, David Percival | King & Victoria (Main Branch), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Barret, Thomas H. | Perth, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bartlett, E. T. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Bashforth, F. J. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Baxter, William John | Trenton, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bayer, G. L. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bayley, William Arthur | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Beal, G. R. | Bancroft, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Beaney, William | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Beattie, Robert Galbraith | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Beckit, Oliver William Henry | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bedard, William O'Meara | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Beer, M. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Belfry, H. E. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bell, Andrew Taggart | Elmwood, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bell, B. W. | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bell, R. C. | Petrolia, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Belyea, J. E. | North End, St. John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bender, P. H. | Main Branch (Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch), St. Catharines, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bennett, George Graham | Grand Bank, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Benson, Kenneth George | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Berry, J. H. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch (Vancouver Centre), Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bertram, Rolf Guillaume de la Vieuville | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Binns, Gordon | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bishop, E. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bisson, James Giffard | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Blair, G. D. C. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Blois, B. W. | Paspebiac, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Boadway, N. D. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Boast, Wilfred George | Ottawa South, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bocking, S. | Port Arthur, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Boggs, A. E. | Mount Dennis, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Boissonnault, Paul | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Bolton, Norman Clifford | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Boreham, Robert Francis B. | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Boroles, Edmund Norman | Stoughton, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bourne, Charles Edward | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Bourne, Charles Percy | Haymarket Square, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Box, H. M. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Box, Wilmer Stacey | King & Victoria (Main Branch), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Boyd, LeRoy Olin | King & Victoria (Main Branch), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bradford, Carl | Ottawa South, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bradshaw, T. C. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bremner, Allan Hugh Redpath | Petitcodiac, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brennan, J. L. | Main Branch & Business Banking Centre, North Bay, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bridge, N. H. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brigden, W. T. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Britton, Frank Percival | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Brodie, R. A. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Broughall, Deric | Ossington & Dundas (Dundas & Arthur), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brown, David Campbell | Milverton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brown, Douglas Paton McRae | Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Brown, E. A. M | Eastview, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Brown, Robert Graham | Perth, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Brown, S. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brown, Thomas George | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Brown, W. N. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bruce, Arthur Bonnycastle Dalrymple | Cobalt, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bruce, V. N | Queen & Church, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bruce, William Forrest | Somerset Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Bryan, J. H. | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Brydon, Henry William | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Budd, C. R. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Buffam, William James | Cochrane, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Buik, James Rodger | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Bulmer, Lester Charles | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Bunnell, George Allen | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burden, H. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burn, George (Sir) | Head Office, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burns, R. G. | Picton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burpee, C. A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burr, Frederick George | Jacquet River, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Burwash, Arthur Godfrey | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Butler, Kenneth Thomas | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Butterworth, Charles Hampden | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Byers, William Henry | Broadview & Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Byron, E. L. | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Calder, Benjamin Raymond | New York, New York, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Calvert, Archibald (Archie) | Main Branch, Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cameron, Austin Gerald | Parry Sound, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cameron, C. H. | Main Branch, Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cameron, Duncan Henry | Bracebridge, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Campbell, B. H. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Campbell, D. C. | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Campbell, James Kenneth | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Campbell, John Henry | Consecon, Trenton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Campbell, W. F. | Haymarket Square, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cann, R. G. | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Carkner, Russell McVey | Cobalt, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Carmichael, John Vere | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Carr, Percy Lee | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Carter, Frederick Arthur | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Carty, K. | Digby, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Chalmers, Thomas Cowper | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Peterborough, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Chapman, S. E. | Main Branch, Hamilton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Chase, Sydney George | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cherry, John Joseph Roland | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Chisholm, Maxwell Craig | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Chisholm, William Henry | Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Christie, Harold Lachlin | Kinistino, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Christie, John Herbert | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Churchill, Alfred Snow (Buz) | Windsor, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Clark, D. C. | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Clark, Donald Stuart McIntosh | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Clark, J. D. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Clarke, A. B. | Mill & Paradise Row, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Clarke, George Max | Bonavista, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Clarkin, Reginald Owen | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Clay, Arthur | Business Banking Centre, Sudbury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cleghorn, William (Billy) Foulton | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cleland, Clarence Leslie | Main Branch, Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Climo, Gilbert Robertson | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cobb, Nigel Bartlett Fitzpatrick | Cobalt, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Coburn, Frederick Gordon | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cochrane, Edwin Rathwell | Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Colborne, C. R. | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Collyer, Charles Herbert | Main Branch, Cobourg, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Collyer, R. P. | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Colwell, C. V. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Comstock, C. D. | Windsor, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Connell, James Lorne | Emerson, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Connell, N. B. | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Connolly, W. J. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cook, William | Spadina & Dundas, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cooper, Irvine Colby | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cooper, Sydney Baker | Danforth, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Coppings, G. W. | Main Branch, Markham, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Corkery, Vincent Joseph | Peterborough, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cotie, G. F. | Campbell's Bay, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cotter, N. P. | St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Cottrill, V. D. | Barrie Business Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cowan, Frederick Eugene | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Cox, Victor Joseph | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Craig, Daniel | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Craig, Herbert Joseph | Fort Coulonge, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Crane, W. T. A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Crawford, G. G. | North End, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Crawley, Sidney Johnstone | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Creed, H. P. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Crisp, N. | Bloor & St. Clarens, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cross, William Nicol | Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Ottawa | Unknown |
Crummey, Francis Cyprian | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Cummings, John Caloni | Rockland, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cunneyworth, William Ernest | Powassan, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Cunningham, H. W. | Main Branch, Quebec City, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Cunningham, Harold Frederick | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Curren, C. | East End, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Curry, C. R. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Curry, James Robertson | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Dales, Robert Lemon | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Danby, Arthur Edwards | Tisdale, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dand, A. C. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Daniel, Roy Lancaster | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Darling, L. L. | Dundas & Brock, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davidson, James Warren | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davidson, N. C. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davis, Charles Edmund | Maxville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Davis, Frederick William | Hawkesbury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Davis, Geo. Gordon | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Davis, J. A. | East Florenceville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davis, K. S. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davis, W. T. | Oxford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Davison, G. W. | Commercial Banking Centre, Brantford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dawson, G. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dawson, John Allison | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dawson, L. L. | Main Branch, Lethbridge, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
DeBay, S. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Demont, A. G. | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dempster, Alfred Eric | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dewar, John Archibald | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dewar, R. H. | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
DeWolfe, R. W. | Digby, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dexter, S. C. | Liverpool, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dibb, Elmond Stanley | Harrietsville, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dickinson, Frederick Roy | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dilke, Robert George | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Dill, Chas Whitney | Emerson, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dobson, Clifford | Beachburg, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dodman, W. S. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dohn, W. R. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Doig, Robert Guy (W. G.) | Lachute, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dolby, S. B. | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Donald, Stuart | Maniwaki, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Donaldson, M. W. | Fort William, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Donaldson, R. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dougall, Hector Fraser | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Douglass, Charles Irving | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Downes, Arthur George | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Draper, W. H. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Duchesneau, J. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Duff, Robert Maxwell | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Duncan, A. D. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Duncan, Donald Chalmers | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Dunlap, G. B. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dunn, Frank Davies | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Dunning, Lawrence M. | Estevan, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Dunsford, Sydney Jarvis | Peterborough, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Eastwood, O. W. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Eaton, R. L. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Edmison, George Arthur Gordon | Peterborough, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Edmunds, Elmer | Martintown, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Edwards, J. K. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Elderkin, R. | Stellarton, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Elliott, Harold Allan | St. James, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Elliott, R. A. S. | Main Branch, St. Catharines, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ellis, R. E. | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ells, J. E. | Canning, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
English, James Francis | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Estabrook, F. J. | East Florenceville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Estabrooks, G. H. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Etheridge, Alfred | Main Branch (Hastings & Seymour), Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Evans, Harold Oliver | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Evans, Robert Henry | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Eykelbosch, Harold | Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Faichney, T. D. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fairweather, Charles Edward | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Farr, W. J. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fenton, William Seabught | Rideau & William, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Ferguson, Clifford Barton MacDougall | Haileybury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Ferguson, G. H. | Stellarton, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ferry, E. J. | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Field, L. S. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Fielding, L. M. | Main & Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fields, Fred Leslie | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Finlay, S. G. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Finnie, Roy C. | Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Finnie, Stanley Gordon | Morrisburg, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Fisher, Eric Roswell | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Fleming, William James | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Flemming, Charles Leslie | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Flynn, Michael | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Forsyth, Volney King | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Foster, Alfred Oliver | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Foulds, Leslie Albert | Carleton Place, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Fox, William Ashford | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fradd, Kingsley Meredith Chatterton | Main Branch, Cobourg, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Francey, G. F. | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Francis, Samuel Neil | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, A. H. | Trenton, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, C. R. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, D. M. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Fraser, F. A. (M.C) | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, H. A. | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, John Keir | Port Arthur, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fraser, Leslie R. H. | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Frost, Charles Sydney | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Fry, F. W. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Fry, J. S. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Gallagher, Fred | Stoughton, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gallagher, Hazel | Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Galvin, Francis Lawrence | Carleton Place, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gardner, A. R. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gardner, Charles | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gardner, R. P. | Queen & Lee, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Garratt, P. C. | Bloor & St. Clarens, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gay, Alexander Russell | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Gaynor, R. D. | Gagetown, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gayton, William Albert | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gianelli, Victor Francis | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Gilchrist, F. C. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gillett, R. E. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Godber, H. J. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Goddard, Dennis G. | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Goetz, John Milton | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gogan, C. A. | Gagetown, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Golding, Kenneth Logan | Queen & Lansdowne, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Goodman, J. F. L. | Queen & Lee, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Goodman, S. F. | Elmwood, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gordon, C. A. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Gordon, L. F. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gordon, Lancelot | Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gordon, William Jamieson | Main Branch, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gould, D. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gould, Wesley | Russell, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gourlay, J. Percival | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Grace, Lewis I. | Virden, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Graham, Harold Blair | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Graham, Robert John | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Grant, Donald Gordon | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Grant, John Wesley | Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Grant, Leslie Cyler | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Grant, P. C. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gray, Alexander | Main & Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gray, James John | Bonavista, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Green, R. B. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Greene, Robert Eric | Bank & Fourth, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Greentree, Charles Henry Craigie | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Greenwood, Leonard Francis Kirbell | Jasper, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Greer, R. J. | River Hebert, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gregory, E. R. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Groff, Wilfrid Bain | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Guay, G. G. H. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gunn, Hector Fraser | Carp, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Gunn, J. D. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Gunn, Jeremiah Donald | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Gyles, Patrick Ffolliott | Virden, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Hacker, W. C. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hagell, E. F. | Main Branch, Lethbridge, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Haldenby, Robert Eliis | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Hale, W. E. | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hall, Patterson Lindsay | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Hamilton, H. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hammond, Henry Leggo | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hanagni, Kenneth McKenzie | Bank & Gladstone, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hannon, Henry Edward | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hardie, C. D. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Harding, F. C. | Premises Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harkness, G. F. G. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harper, J. A. | Main Branch, Markham, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harper, R. J. | Port Elgin, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harris, A. W. K. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harris, R. C. | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harrison, R. C. | Gagetown, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harrison, S. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harvey, Barnett | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Harvey, Charles Almond | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Havey, W. Joseph | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hawker, Walter Charles | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Hawley, Claude Llwellyn | Dundas & Brock, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hawthorne, R. B. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hay, Albert Edward | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Head, H. R. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Heans, H. W. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Heath, Hersey Dudley | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Hegel, Frederick William | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Henderson, Frederick Erskine | Rockland, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Henderson, Hugh R. | Queen & Church, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Henderson, J. P. | Main Branch, Stratford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Henderson, Joseph Percy | Ashdale & Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Henderson, W. N. | Maniwaki, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Henderson, W. T. G. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hennessey, Charles Eugene | St. George, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hepburn, Walter | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Unknown |
Herron, William Albert | Main Branch, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hibbard, Churchill Frank | Newcastle, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hibbard, E. R. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hicks, Curtis Lemont | Hampton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hickson, Reginald Vail | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Higgins, J. E. | Canning, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Higgins, John H. | Mill & Paradise Row, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hill, Anson Callander | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hill, F. W. | Picton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hill, R. L. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hilton, Harry Elthan | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hind, W. | Princess & Bagot, Kingston, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hingston, H. R. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Hobson, H. M. | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Hoffman, Joseph David | Lachute, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hogan, John Charles | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hogan, R. V. | Main, Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Holder, J. T. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Holmes, A. C. | Harbour Grace, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Holtze, T. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Holyoke, W. R. | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hope, Robert Malcolm | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Horne, F. A. | Alberton, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hotrum, Frederick | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Hourston, William Borwick Stewart | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Howe, Thomas | Premises Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hoyt, H. H. | Chester, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hughes, Vincent James Patrick | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Canada |
Humber, H. M. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Humphrey, J. M. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Humphreys, Cecil James Gaston | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Humphries, C. L. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hunt, Wilfred James | King & Victoria, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Hunter, R. H. | Main Branch, Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Hutchings, W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Hutchins, F. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Huxtable, Robert | Parry Sound, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Ingersoll, Harold Kirnin | Grand Manan, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ingersoll, Hugh Karl | Ottawa South, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Innes, L. R. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Irvine, H. E. L. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Irvine, K. E. | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Irving, Gordon Budd | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Jack, Herbert DeVere | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jack, John William Clyde | Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Jackman, R. J. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jackson, J. D. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jamieson, Wallace Samuel | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Jellard-Jones, William | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Johnson, H. J. | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Johnstone, Hugh William | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jones, Thomas Ray | Spadina & Dundas, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jordan, G. W. | Picton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Joss, Harry | Lachute, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Jost, Archibald Troop | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jourdan, George Selous | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Jourdan, P. C. | Main Branch, Brockville, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Joyce, W. J. | Fogo, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Kavanagh, G. T. | Petrolia, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kearney, L. A. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kee, C. S. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Keir, N. L. | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kelly, A. E. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kempffer, G. L. | New Richmond, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kennedy, Charles Hildreth | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Kennedy, J. F. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Ker, Gordon Weir | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Kingsland, Norton W. | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Kirk, R. E. | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kirkpatrick, E. | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Klock, Harold Frederick | Lloyd & Queen, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Knight, Joseph William | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Knight, R. N. S. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Kuhn, Percy Stanford | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Laking, Charles Clarence (Clare) | Campbellville, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lamont, John Wilson | Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Langille, F. P. | Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Langille, J. E. | Stellarton, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Langston, W. H. | West End, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Latham, W. H. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Law, B. D. | Main Branch, Quebec City, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Leadlay, F. R. | Main Branch, Hamilton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lee, Weston Campbell | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
LeGallais, Harold George | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
LeGallais, J. W. | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
LeGallais, Stanley Charles | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Leggo, Alpheus Howard | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Leggo, Christopher Bryson | Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Leitch, Harold Albert | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lench, W. H. | Twillingate, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Lennard, C. B. | West Side, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Leonard, Robert Allan | Commercial Banking Centre, Brantford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lepper, P. E. | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Levy, Kenneth Corinald | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Lewis, D. W. | Port Arthur, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lingley, D. G. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lingley, William Mott | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lloyd, Carl Heeps | Main Branch (Hastings & Seymour), Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lloyd, Charles Monro | Broadview & Gerrard, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lockhart, B. E. | Petitcodiac, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lodge, William | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lombard, John Spinney | Main Branch, Lethbridge, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Long, William | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Longley, Reginald George | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lord, William Alexander Herbert | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lount, S. K. | Sutton, West, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lovitt, Hector William Beveridge | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Low, Douglas Andrew | Danforth, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Lowe, B. W. | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lowery, Harold J. | Main Branch & Business Banking Centre, North Bay, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Luney, Wilfred Rivers | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lyons, Arthur | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Lyster, Worton Montague | Maniwaki, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
MacCrimmon, Frederic Neil | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDaid, James Verner | Haymarket Square, St. John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, Alexander Duncan | Alexandria, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacDonald, Angus Lawrence | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, Colin Gordon | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, David | Broadview & Danforth, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, H. L. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, Hyalie Harris | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, Stanley | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacDonald, William Edwin (Mac) | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Macdonnell, James Mackerras | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
MacGillivray or McGillivray, Malcolm Donald Rayside | South Mountain, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacGillivray, L. | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacIntosh, C. A. D. | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacIntosh, D. A. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKay, Andrew Edward Hector Hugh | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKay, J. E. S. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKenzie, B. I. | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKenzie, G. C. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
MacKenzie, J. C. | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKenzie, Leslie Vibart | Unknown | Bank of Ottawa | Unknown |
MacKinnon, Ian Laughlin | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacKintosh, Peter | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacKlin, E. R. | Queen & River, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacLellan, Francis Harold | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacLelland, William David | Hintonburgh, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacLeod, David Honeyman | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacLeod, M. F. | Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacLeod, Norman Ian | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
MacLeod, R. C. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacMillan, William | Dauphin, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
MacPhail, W. J. A. | Victoria, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
MacPherson, Duncan | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Main, Gordon Harold | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mann, George Isaac | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mann, Roy Joseph | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Manson, L. W. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Markham, R. T. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Markle, Arthur Clayton | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Marshall, G. | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Martin, John Alexander (Alex) | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Guelph, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Martin, Nelson | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Martinez, M. | Main Branch, Havana, Cuba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Cuba |
Massie, Jay Clinton | Stratford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Matthews, A. D. | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Matthews, Hubert Garfield | Ossington & Dundas, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Maxwell, Herbert Edward | Bancroft, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
May, F. F. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McAdam, James Murray | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McAllister, F. E. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McArthur, G. E. | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McArthur, Wilfred Dougal | Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McBain, Alexander McDougall (Alex) | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McCallum, Fred Ambrose | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McCallum, Kenneth Ketchum | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McClusky, James Walker | Main Branch & Business Banking Centre, North Bay, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McCormack, Purcell McVicar | Avonmore, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McCormick, E. H. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McCrimmon, Malcolm | Carleton Place, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McCully, C. M. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McDonald, Alexander Duncan | Alexandria, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McDonald, C. N. | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McDonald, John Ronald | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McDonald, N. S. | Glace Bay, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McDonald, T. J. | West Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McDonell, Samuel Joseph | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McElroy, Francis Chevers | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McEwen, C. C. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McEwen, Hugh Archibald | Carleton Place, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McFarlane, David Clyde | Cobden, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McGill, J. | Premises Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McGillioray, John | Westboro, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McGregor, R. J. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McInnes, Harold Allan | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McInnes, J. J. C. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McIntyre, James Bennett | Millbank, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McKay, Arthur Buchanan | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Guelph, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McKay, J. R. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McKay, Myron Franklin | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McKellar, Archibald | Tisdale, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McKenzie, C. R. | Port Daniel, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McKercher, Peter | Lachute, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McKerrell, Martin Mungo Mare | Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McKinnon, William Cecil | Brigden, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McLaggan, William Arnold | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McLaren, Samuel Henry | Bank & Gladstone, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McLauchlin, Robert | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McLean, Hugh John | Stoughton, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McLean, Stewart Smith | Paspebiac, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McLellan, Jarvis Oldfield | Haymarket Square, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McLellan, John Emmerson | Renfrew, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McLeod, James Gordon | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McMillan, H. | Morrisburg, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
McNeill, R. B. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McNeill, W. D. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McRae, R. H. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McRae, Thomas Lloyd | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
McRitchie, G. R. | Petrolia, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
McTaggart, Earl Wallace | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Mead, Frank Clarence Castlehow | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Meek, W. E. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Meisner, Arnold Stewart | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Menard, Albert Joseph Oliver | Maniwaki, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Merriam, Hugo Dinnick | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Merrix, James Arthur | Fort William, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mertens, C. V. | Bloor & St. Clarens, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mewburn, John Chilton | Main Branch, Hamilton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Miller, C. A. | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Miller, E. R. | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Miller, E. S. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Miller, J. M. M. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Miller, T. H. | Mill & Paradise Row, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Miller, W. A. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Milligan, A. H. | Brussels, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Milligan, Clinton | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mills, F. W. | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Milner, James Charles Fisher | Queen & Lansdowne, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Milton, A. V. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mishow, H. A. | Stationery Department, General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mitchell, John Alistair | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mitchell, Thomas Findlay | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mitton, Thomas Wellington | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Moffat, W. G. | Streetsville, Mississauga, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Molson, Francis Stuart | 1350 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec | National Trust Company | Canada |
Molson, Percival | Montreal Main Branch, Quebec | National Trust Company | Canada |
Monroe, Ralph Smith | Chesterville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Montgomery, J. B. | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Mooney, Charles Thornton | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Moran, S. C. | Petitcodiac, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morison, Robert William | Black River, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Morris, Edward Laurier | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morrison, A. E. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Guelph, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morrison, D. A. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morrison, D. H. | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Morrison, Glen Allan | Main Branch, Swift Current, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Morrison, J. G. | Main Branch, Hamilton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morrison, John R. | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Morrison, W. L. | Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morrow, Orland James | Sudbury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Morrow, W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Morton, John | Richmond, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Morton, Robert Lewis | Somerset Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mott, T. M. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Mott, William Robert | St. James, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mowat, J. H. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Muckleston, Alan Jeffreys | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Muhle, George Oscar | Main Branch, Swift Current, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Muir, Alfred John | Queen & Pape, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Mulholland, W. H. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Munro, K. K. | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Murray, C. E. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Murray, J. L. | Elmwood, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Murray, R. B. | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Murray, Thomas V. | Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Nelson, Howard Bryan | Main Branch, Lethbridge, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Neville, Francis Joseph | Main Branch, Hull, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Nicolson, James (Jas) William | Rideau & William, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Nisbet, Thomas | Perth, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Nix, E. M. | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Nolan, C. P. C. | Westmount, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Norman, H. E. | Elmira, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Norman, William Haywood | Grand Bank, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
North, A. W. | Canning, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Odell, Leslie King | Rideau & William, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
O'Donoghue, Henry Dillon (Harry) | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
O'Leary, Cyril Douglas | Kemptville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Osborne, P. B. | Main Branch, Welland, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Osland, F. G. E. | Main Branch, Cobourg, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Osmond, William | Kenora, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Otton, Charles Edward | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Ozon, Louis | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Palfrey, L. H. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pardy, Archibald Chesley | Twillingate, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Parker, Jack Walton | Boston, Massachusetts, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Parlee, Henry Andrew (Harry) | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Parlow, A. L. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Parrott, Stanley | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Parry, R. S. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Passmore, A. M. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Paterson, Alexander Blair | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Patten, J. B. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Patterson, O. R. | Aylesford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pattison, R. W. | Agnes & Elizabeth, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Paxton, James | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Peacock, Hubert William | West Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pearce, F. V. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Pearson, J. W. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Peck, C. E. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Peers, William John | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pelton, Guy Edward | Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Pequegnat, Arthur William | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Perkins, O. S. E. | San Juan, Puerto Rico | Bank of Nova Scotia | Puerto Rico |
Perrigo, John | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Perry, W. B. | Wesleyville, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Philip, Arthur Ormond | North & Agricola, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pickels, F. B. | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Picken, Percy | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Pidgeon, F. M. | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Piggott, Earle Langley | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Pinhey, Godfrey Cyril | Bank & Gladstone, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Pinkerton, George McGill | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Polley, Murray Thornbeck | Petrolia, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Potter, C. T. | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Pouncy, Raymond | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Prescott, Joseph Hammill | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Prescott, T. H. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Preston, Sidney J. M. | Kenora, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Price, G. O. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pridham, W. T. | Queen & Lansdowne, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Pritchard, Arthur | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Pye, P. H. | Hillsborough, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Radmore, G. P. | Port Arthur, Thunder Bay, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rae, D'Alton M. | Parry Sound, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Ralston, I. S. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Randall, Frank Martin | Peterborough, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Rankin, Edward Glenville | Brussels, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ray, Frank Parker | Main Branch, Truro, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Raymond, Stanley Freeman | Digby, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Raynard, C. B. | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Reaman, J. O. | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Reay, H. L. | West Side, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Redfearn, E. D. | Bracebridge, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Redfearn, Lorne James Lewis | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Reid, F. A. | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Revell, William Olney | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Rice, Gordon Thomas | Rideau & William, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Richardson, Arthur Balfour | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Ridout, E. P. | Port Elgin, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ripley, L. A. | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ritchie, Cliford Willis | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Roberts, H. A. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Robertson, Carl Elmer | South Mountain, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Robertson, Harold Webster | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Robertson, W. J. | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Robertson, W. R. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Robertson, William Dickson | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Robinson, R. P. | Gagetown, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Robinson, William James | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Robson, Thomas Charlton | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Roden, Richard Regnal | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Rodgers, E. I. | New York, New York, United States | Bank of Nova Scotia | United States |
Roger, Andrew John | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Rogers, George Harold | Pembroke, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Rollitt, A. A. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rolph, John Gladwin | Jasper, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Roode, Hilliard Earl | South Mountain, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Roode, Kenneth W. | South Mountain, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Roop, R. | 1707 Water Street, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Roper, Frederick Charles (Fred) | Bonavista, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Ross, Charles Roderick | King & Victoria (Main Branch), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Ross, H. J. M. | Canning, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ruggles, Ronald Taylor | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rusconi, Albert | Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Rusconi, Andrea George | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Russell, James Leonard | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rutherford, Alan Thompson | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rutherford, Charles Frederick | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Rutherford, Reginald George | Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Ryder, J. V. | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ryder, L. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Guelph, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ryrie, James Grant | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Salter, Lewis Jack | Main Branch, Stratford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sample, Thomas R. . | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sands, Francis | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sarginson, Jesse James | Haileybury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Saunders, Frank Argent Radcliffe | Mandeville, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Saunders, George Raymond | Main Branch, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sayers, R. H. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scheifele, H. B. | Petrolia, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Schurman, B. L. | Oxford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, C. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, E. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, F. A. | Main Branch, Markham, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, Leonard Weston | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, Lorne Alexander | Cobalt, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Scott, W. C. | New Carlisle, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Scott, William Cleaver | Main Branch, Hull, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Scribner, Harold Stanley | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sears, G. V. | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Secord, C. M. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Seely, H. A. | Kamsack, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Service, Albert Niven Parker | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Edmonton, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Seward, Robert Ernest | Consecon, Trenton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sharp, Charles Alexander | Eastview, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sharpe, R. G. | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Shaw, F. M. | Queen & McCaul, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sheard, Harold | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Shearer, James Douglas | Smith Falls, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sherren, Percy Clark | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sherwood, Arthur Cyril | Mattawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sherwood, Herbert Sydney | Riceville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Shields, G. G. | North End, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Shields, W. E. G. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Shillington, W. R. | Harrowsmith, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Shrive, Frank James | James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario o | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sibary, Clarence James | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sikes, Robert Gordon | Fort William, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sillers, S. L. | Glace Bay, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Simpson, H. L. | St. Andrews, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Simpson, H. M. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Simpson, William Duff | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Simpson, William Norman | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Simser, Elbura Whitfield | Morrisburg, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sinclair, G. M. | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Skelley, H. T. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Skelley, J. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia a | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Slipp, G. L. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smart, A. W. | West End, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smedley, Frank Coltman | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Smillie, William Alexander | Carleton Place, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Smith, Albert Ernest | Fort Coulonge, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Smith, Charles Victor | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Smith, E. W. | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smith, T. B. | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smith, W. A. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smith, Walter Bruce | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Smyth, Arthur Thornton | Cobalt, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Snell, John Leslie O'Brien | Main Branch, Lethbridge, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Snyder, Aurele | Casselman, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Somers, C. V. | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sorley, Charles Henry | Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Unknown |
Sparling, Elmer | Business Banking Centre, Sudbury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Speer, H. J. | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Spence, Vivian Estcourt | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Stafford, Edward John | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Starratt, M. A. | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Steeves, A. C. | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Steeves, B. H. | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Steeves, W. M. | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stephens, Robert Greaves | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Sterns, E. W. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sterns, J. E. | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sterns, Sydney Smith | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stevens, C. H. A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stevens, L. P. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stevens, Sydney Charles | Kenora, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Stevenson, L. S. | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stewart, A. T. | Newcastle, Miramichi, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stewart, George A. | Stouffville, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Stewart, James Alan | Avonmore, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Stewart, John Cuthbert | Haileybury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Stewart, William Gilbert | Lloyd & Queen, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Stick, L. T. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Stothers, Jackson | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Styles, George Patrick | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Suckling, William Francis Elvy | Merritton, St. Catharines, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Sutcliffe, Edward Ingham | Bloor & St. Clarens, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Swall, Harry Lloyd | Main Branch & Business Banking Centre, North Bay, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Symonds, Herbert Boyd | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Tait, Wilfrid Burton | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Tanner, R. T. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Tapp, Alan Cleveland | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Tarves, Howitt Dark | Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Taylor, John Stuart | Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Taylor, W. F. | Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Terris, H. J. | Albert Country, Riverside, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Terry, F. M. | Main Branch, Woodstock, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Thompson, Campbell Walwyn | Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Thompson, John Franklin (Frank) | Hintonburgh, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Thompson, W. S. | Queen & Lansdowne, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Thompson, William Roy | Vankleek Hill, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Thomson, Alexander Bell | Westmount, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Thomson, John Masson | Martintown, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Tingley, A. B. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Moncton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Titus, A. E. | Digby, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Tobin, Joseph Charles | King & George, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Todd, James C. | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Todd, R. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Tolmie, Duncan Arnott | Queen & Pape, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Toms, George Robert | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Toy, Martin Hodgson | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Trebilcock, Alsey Joseph | Main Branch, Hamilton, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Treen, M. A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Trevor, Reginald Francis | North Augusta, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Trimble, Alan Vincent Franke | Danforth & Pape, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Trowsdale, Wilfred Walter | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Guelph, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Tucker, Harry Hyslop Elton | Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Tudhope, H. J. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Turnbull, Maxwell | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Turner, Alexander | Chipman, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Turner, William Henry | Eastview, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Unsworth, Wilfred Byron | Avonlea, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Upton, P. H. | Unknown | Montreal Trust Company | Unknown |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Van Iderstine, Walfron Brewer | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Van Meter, Russell | Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Unknown |
Van Vlack, K. C. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Vey, S. A. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Vincent, D. L. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Wahl, Leander John Conrad | Main Branch, London, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Waldorf, Cory Vern | Haileybury, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Walker, Austin Harry | Main Branch, Sydney, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Walker, Herbert Fraser | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Walker, Ivan Herbert | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Walker, James Gilbert | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Walliss, J. O. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Walters, Bliss Boyce | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Ward, Reginald Barclay Webster | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Warren, H. D. | Sussex, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Waters, Alfred | Fairmount Avenue, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Waters, William Keith | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Watson, A. E. | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Watson, J. R. | Main Branch, St. Catharines, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Watts, J. R. | Commercial Banking Centre, Brantford, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Weaver, Wendell Allan | Rideau & William, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Webb, Richard Purnell | Main Branch, Swift Current, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Welker, Wilfrid Lloyd | St. Jacobs, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wellwood, Harold Austin | Rouleau, Saskatchewan | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Welsford, Walter Giles | West Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
West, M. R. | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wetherell, E. | General Office, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wetmore, J. S. | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
White, Edgar Blake | Brussels, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Whitham, T. G. | West Side, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Whyte, Farrill Thompson | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wight, Harold Addison | Bank & Gladstone, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilkinson, Curt Lorne | Ville St. Pierre, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, Fred Willet | North End, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, M. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, O. S. | Queen & Church, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wills, Benjamin | Keewatin, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, Frank Godsoe | Haymarket Square, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wilson, Gordon Cameron | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, H. E. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wilson, Harold Bruce | Smith Falls, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, Harry | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Wilson, James | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wilson, James Bryson | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, R. | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Winchester, Murray Mckay | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Winnifrith, Gordon Stevenson | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wood, D. S. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, F. E. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, H. G. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, J. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woodford, P. V. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woodhouse, Cuthbert | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wornell, Frederick John | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Worthy, J. L. (M.M.) | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woundy, Benjamin Lawrence | Main Branch, Havana, Cuba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wright, W. C. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wylie, James William | Maxville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wyllie, A. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wyman, George Edgar | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wyse, Reginald Creagh | Hastings & Seymour, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
White, Edgar Blake | Brussels, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Whitham, T. G. | West Side, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Whyte, Farrill Thompson | Main Branch, Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wight, Harold Addison | Bank & Gladstone, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilkinson, Curt Lorne | Ville St. Pierre, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, Fred Willet | North End, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, M. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Williams, O. S. | Queen & Church, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wills, Benjamin | Keewatin, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, Frank Godsoe | Haymarket Square, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wilson, Gordon Cameron | Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, H. E. | Arnprior, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wilson, Harold Bruce | Smith Falls, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, Harry | King Street, Kingston, Jamaica | Bank of Nova Scotia | Jamaica |
Wilson, James | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wilson, James Bryson | Main Branch, Ottawa, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wilson, R. | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Winchester, Murray Mckay | Bloor & Spadina, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Winnifrith, Gordon Stevenson | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wood, D. S. | Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, F. E. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, H. G. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wood, J. | College & Bathurst, Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woodford, P. V. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woodhouse, Cuthbert | Unknown | National Trust Company | Canada |
Wornell, Frederick John | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, St. John's, Newfoundland | Bank of Nova Scotia | Newfoundland |
Worthy, J. L. (M.M.) | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Woundy, Benjamin Lawrence | Main Branch, Havana, Cuba | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wright, W. C. | Main Branch & Commercial Banking Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wylie, James William | Maxville, Ontario | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Wyllie, A. W. | Commercial Banking Centre & Main Branch, Victoria, British Columbia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wyman, George Edgar | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Wyse, Reginald Creagh | Hastings & Seymour, Vancouver, British Columbia | Bank of Ottawa | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Young, D. R. | Tour Scotia (Main Branch), Montreal, Quebec | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Young, James John | Main Branch (Scotia Plaza), Toronto, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Name | Branch | Organization | Country served with |
Ziegler, George Lichty | Elmira, Ontario | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |
Zinck, Horace Portridge | Main Branch, Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bank of Nova Scotia | Canada |