
In this new blog series we will bring you unique stories of Customer Care employees who have navigated different paths to get them to their current role. While each path is different, they all share a common customer focus that has guided them along the way.

Today we meet George, a Senior Manager of Customer Care & Solutions, working out of our Scotiabank Call Centre. Join us as we learn more about his proudest moments, challenges and what he calls his “ah-ha!” moment.

From Food Services Industry to Global Operations at Scotiabank six years ago…

“I spent the first 10 years of my professional life as an owner of a successful restaurant which I sold in late 2016.  I then met with my financial advisor at Scotiabank to map out a financial plan and she referred me to Scotiabank as an excellent employer – so I applied!  I remember being in training and hearing about Scotiabank’s developmental resources and the potential within, and I just had this “ah-ha!” moment where I realized I could leverage these development resources to round out my business experience. Six years, five promotions and a whole slew of training courses later – I’ve found that “ah-ha!” moment was perhaps the best I’ve ever had.

In my current role I have the privilege of leading five teams, managing day-to-day execution, preparing for future change management initiatives, and strategic priorities.” 

Fostering self-development and growth of talent is his biggest reward…

“My biggest achievement is being able to be an advocate for self-development and influence the mindset of others in this direction, fostering further growth of talent. Ultimately, nothing is more rewarding to me than watching someone tackle a challenge that they wouldn’t have tackled before, driven by having had the proper development and support.

My biggest challenge has been managing change on an organization level, which is a state of constant adaptation.  This is not a negative comment, quite the opposite – I find the ability to influence and lead others through change to be one of the most personally rewarding experiences in my day-to-day work.  Scotiabank has supported my professional growth in this area by having a robust system of leaders, change management experts, and self-development resources to draw from and grow/succeed.”

On his preferred flexible work arrangement…

“My favourite spot to work is definitely in-office at the Toronto Contact Centre, which was recently renovated into an ecosystem environment. This means that I have multiple options of work-spaces within the site based on how I want to work.  Quiet spaces, meeting rooms, coaching rooms, informal sitting areas, abundant coffee machines (a necessity!)… It really gives me the flexibility to choose an environment that meets the needs of any task I have on hand.

I’ve appreciated the flexibility offered by the Canadian Banking Call Centre’s flexible work arrangement.  I think we’ve struck an excellent balance by offering our employees the ability to work from home if they desire, with a minimum of one day a month on site.  These days on site are quickly becoming a favourite moment – you see eyes light up and energy at extremely high levels when team members see each other for the first time in weeks, and get the benefit of personal, real-life connectivity.” 

His advice for future Scotiabank Customer Care employees…

“Focus on your development and growing the competencies you bring to the table.  Scotiabank is ripe with opportunities for professional growth, and you have resources worth several university educations at your fingertips!  Embrace the knowledge available, embrace the journey, commit yourself to your 10,000 hours of growth and mastery – those that do will find it almost impossible not to find success.”

We hope you have enjoyed this installment of our Customer Care series. Our Global Operations group has multiple career paths that revolve around working together to help our customers, with a genuine desire to always be better through continuous improvement, be empowered to drive higher operational efficiency, and be inspired to grow within the organization.

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