
We all know about the power of networking and how important it has become in today's world of work; however, the recent reality of remote work and virtual events has made standing out seem harder than ever! I'm here to assure you that standing out among the rest isn't as difficult as you think. We live in such a technologically advanced world with smartphones and social media at our fingertips - if you think about it, this means you have direct access to recruiters and more excitingly, they have access to you! LinkedIn is a powerful platform if utilized to its fullest potential, and I'm here to help you do exactly that.

Here are 5 tips to effectively, authentically, and meaningfully network on LinkedIn. 

1.    Update Your Profile

Not sure where to start with LinkedIn networking? The first step is the most important: update your profile! When you connect with someone on LinkedIn, they will quickly preview your profile to understand who you are and what you are interested in. Without a complete profile to showcase your experience and interests, it’s difficult for new connections to learn more about you. Ensure that you are displaying your true, authentic self through your profile because as we know, first impressions are important! Optimize your profile by adding:

  • A recent profile picture (this is a must!)
  • A simple banner photo
  • A short “About” section that is reflective of you and your goals
  • Your education
  • A snapshot of your relevant experiences

2.   Connection Requests

Having the most connections is not the point of LinkedIn; focus instead on having genuine, quality connections! Think quality over quantity. When sending LinkedIn connection requests, a great tip is to personalize the request message. If you are connecting after meeting someone at an event, be sure to include the event you met them at and a key takeaway/topic from your conversation. This will help the individual remember you and will increase your chances of getting a response. I suggest keeping the message short and sweet; let your profile and display picture do the talking!

3.   Engage with your Connections

Remember, quality over quantity. Connections are great, but maintaining the relationship is vital! Engaging with your network will foster more meaningful relationships and help to keep those connections warm. Show interest in their content, and comment on work anniversaries, posts, and updates. A simple “Congratulations!” will show that you are interested and care. Want to take it one step further? Send a personalized message if you related to a particular post or saw an event advertised that you can’t wait to attend.

4.   LinkedIn Groups

Think of LinkedIn groups as clubs or committees. It’s a great idea to join groups related to your interests or industry to make new connections, engage with like-minded individuals, discuss trending topics, ask for advice, and so much more! Take our Scotiabank Campus LinkedIn Group for example, where members can keep up to date with opportunities at Scotiabank, get access to virtual events, and connect with Campus Recruiters!

5.   Keep at it!

Remember to not take things personally on LinkedIn. The individuals you are connecting with are extremely busy, and if they don’t get back to you, it’s not personal! Sending a brief, polite follow-up note if you haven’t heard back within a few weeks is a great idea. Chances are that they were just very busy and missed the original message. My advice is to send one follow-up and leave it at that to be respectful of their time and boundaries. Multiple follow-ups could potentially have an adverse effect on the relationship. However, don’t be afraid to continue to engage in their feed through likes and comments! Most importantly, continue to persevere, network, and build meaningful connections on this incredible platform!

Happy Networking!

For more helpful career tips and to learn about our TILT New Graduate Development Programs, check out our Life at Scotiabank blog page!