How to pay bills
When you pay bills online or in the app, you can:

Save time
Make a payment anytime, whether you’re home or on-the-go.

Choose a flexible payment option
Pay each bill as it comes in or set up recurring payments.
Avoid late bills
Use automatic, pre-authorized payments to avoid missing a due date.

Keep track of past payments
Check your payment history for each payee, covering the past 90 days.
Learn how to pay a bill using your computer, tablet, smartphone, an ABM, or TeleScotia.

Bill payments may take up to 3 business days to process and post. Payments are processed Monday to Friday before 8:30 pm ET (excluding holidays).
Add a new payee
To pay a bill to an account you haven’t paid before, you’ll need to add the utility company, credit card, or other bill payment company to your list of payees.
More digital banking help
Set up auto payments for your credit card
You can set up automatic credit card payments from your Scotia account to your Scotia credit card.
Download a void cheque
Learn how to download a digital void cheque to share your banking details for pre-authorized deposits.
How to use Interac e-Transfer®†
Send money quickly to friends and family who have a Canadian bank account using Interac e-Transfer.†