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EDI Payments

Payment Field Breakdown
Details of all the mandatory fields required when creating an EDI payment


Payment field breakdown (PDF)

Managing Templates
Templates are used to save all the required payment information for repeat use

Managing templates (PDF)
Managing templates (video)

Creating Payments from templates
How to use templates to create payments quickly and easily

Creating payments from templates (PDF)
Creating payments from templates (video)

Approving and Submitting Payments
The final portion of the payment flow how to take the payments you've created and approve (if required) and submit them

Approving and submitting payments (PDF)

Payment Statuses
A breakdown of the various payment statuses you may see in Scotiaconnect

Payment statuses (PDF)

Managing Recipients
An alternative to Templates, Recipients save just the details of the person or company receiving your payment instructions

Managing recipients (PDF)
Managing recipients (video)

Remittance Advices
How to attach remittance details to your payments

Remittance advices (PDF)

Cut-off times
Recommended lead times for your payments

Cut-off times (guided tutorial)

Online Payment Control
How to approve and submit your payments loaded into ScotiaConnect via a file

Online payment control (PDF)

Payment Reports
The reports available when your payment file is received


Payment reports (PDF)