Knowledge Centre

With constant pressure to grow, expand, and add value to stay competitive, companies need to seize the opportunities that come their way. But finding those opportunities and selecting the ones that will have the most impact on the business can be a challenge.

That’s where Scotiabank’s Martin Jay comes in. As an Associate Director of Corporate Sales, Martin specializes in Transaction Banking, Cash Management, Digital Solutions and Deposits within the Global Business Payments business line. He takes great pride in curating and presenting the right opportunities for his clients. 

Jay says, “We’re always thinking about how we can add value and take some of the burden off our clients…They don’t have to continually think about how to drive efficiencies, because they know Scotiabank is going to come to them with innovative and market-leading solutions.”

A fulsome solution from a full-coverage team

Recently, during a routine analysis of one client’s surplus liquidity, Jay realized his client could improve their return with the Notice Plan Investment – a competitive deposit solution that would complement their existing investment products.

To ensure he was considering the client’s needs from a range of diverse perspectives Jay engaged the client’s coverage team including the Corporate Sales Director, Deposit Specialist and Relationship Manager.

“We’ve always been very proactive to ensure we’re presenting a fulsome, tailored solution to align with the customer’s liquidity needs and return on investment expectations.” Jay explains. By engaging the appropriate internal partners, Jay ensures that the solutions presented truly match the unique needs of the company.

 He adds, “When presenting solutions, we regularly include sales and product leaders at the meeting, like my Director, our Deposit Specialist and the Relationship Manager.  It shows our client how much we value their business, and reinforces that this solution is our very best effort and we’re all behind it.”

Jay has established a deep level of trust with the client which helped support his proposed solution. “We have a track record with them,” he explains. “They appreciate that we’ve always been very proactive, and we continually present the right solution to match their needs.”

The client agreed that Jay’s deposit recommendation was an ideal way to maximize their investment objectives. The deposit solution and competitive rate were such a perfect fit that they transferred funds from another FI into Scotiabank’s Notice Plan Investment.


Jay adds, “Actions speak louder than words. We’ve built a reputation on putting our best foot forward with this client and they know how important their relationship is to Scotiabank. I like to think that this sets us apart from other banks.”

Helping clients serve their customers with first-to-market solutions

While some companies can be hesitant about incorporating new technology – one of Jay’s clients has been an early adopter, eagerly leveraging innovative solutions to drive efficiencies.

When Scotiabank launched the first Interac e-Transferƚ for Business solution in late 2020, Jay knew this client would be interested. He says, “It was fantastic to be able to tell our client that Scotiabank was first to market with this innovative, digital solution because we knew it could immediately solve a challenge they had.”

Jay and the Global Business Payments coverage team carefully considered the client’s business from multiple perspectives and generated several use cases that the client hadn’t considered. The client agreed that Interac e-Transfer for Business was an optimal solution for their needs and quickly implemented it into their receivables and payables process.


Jay explains, “It was a definite competitive advantage for our client. Since Scotiabank was the first FI to offer this service, our client could be first in their industry to offer Interac e-Transfer to their customers. It allowed our client to expand their offering and made it easier for their customers to pay them. Plus, there were some cost savings realized in addition to the improved customer experience.”

A successful pitch. A satisfied client. Faster collection of receivables and improved working capital. For some FIs, the story would end there - but for not for Jay.

Discussion demonstrates dedication

A few weeks after the client had implemented the Interac e-Transfer for Business service, Jay, together with Peter Senkiw, Director Corporate Sales and Adam Gabriel, Vice President, Global Business Payments Products met with the client. “It was a great opportunity for us to have an open discussion where our client could share their feedback directly with our team.” Jay says. “Having senior members of our team come to the table and have that discussion, really shows that we value this relationship and their feedback.”


Jay concludes, “These are two nice wins that I am personally proud of.  It underscores the importance of building relationships, acting as a trusted advisor, and always putting the customer first.. Once you’ve earned their trust, and you have a solid relationship, you can make recommendations that will be taken seriously.”