
Scotiabank is pleased to maintain a presence in Singapore. Through our branch in Singapore, we offer a broad range of corporate baking and capital markets products and services.
Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data Protection Act.
Ways to contact us
To find out more about Scotiabank services available in Singapore, please contact the appropriate representative:
1 Raffles Quay
#20-01 North Tower, One Raffles Quay,
Singapore 048583
The Bank of Nova Scotia, Singapore Branch
Madan Menon
MD & Head of Singapore, Australia, India & Malaysia
T 65.6305.8388
Allison Stoute
Head, GBM Treasury, Asia Pacific
International Money Markets & Funding
T 65.6305.8388
Sabrina Tan
Managing Director, Head of FICC, Asia Pacific
T 65.6305.8314
Nicolas Tardieu
Managing Director, Asia Pacific Energy, Origination
T 65.6305.8252
Sharifah Syed Mohsen
Director and Head, Global Loan Syndications, Asia Pacific
T 65.6305-8359