Stay on top of your business during 

the holiday hustle and bustle


Stay on top of your business during the holiday hustle and bustle


Keep an eye on your business with real-time updates

Whether you’re out celebrating with clients or colleagues, you can still stay on top of your banking with email alerts. If you can access a service or account, you can set up alerts to monitor the account activity. For instance, you can find out when:

  • The business balance reaches a certain amount
  • Funds have been deposited
  • A wire payment has failed
Create an alert

Sign into your account and click Create an Alert to get started


View your statements whenever you login to ScotiaConnect

Skip the hassle of paper and envelopes and sign up for e-statements. Then you can get the information you need anytime – whether you’re at work or home for the holidays, plus:

  • Access your e-statement as soon as it’s ready
  • Download and view your e-statement with ease
  • Save your statement to your computer or server
Switch to e-statements 

Call us at 1-888-855-1234 to make the switch.