Meet Henri

I'd have to say the most satisfying thing about my job is definitely making a difference in people's lives.

My names Henri Miller. I'm a Senior Financial Advisor working at Scotiabank. As a Senior Financial Advisor, I'm in charge of around about 550 to 600 clients. I look after their needs and any of their requirements in terms of banking.

These clients are considered the higher net-worth clients. I deal with all aspects of their life using the four cornerstones of Scotiabank. So I'm looking at their investments, I'm looking at their credit, their day-to-day banking, and their insurance needs. Making sure these are all met and looking for opportunities to essentially improve their life and make them financially better off.

Typical day in my job is we come in at 8:30am and we usually will look through our agenda, see what happened yesterday, what weve got coming in for today.

I would say probably 50% of my day is involved in face to face with the customer. The other 50% of the day is paperwork processing - because you know a mortgage file or something like a RSP investment portfolio takes a long time to put together. So you've got to spend the time to do the paperwork as well as the interaction.

The day never really stops, there's always something to be doing.

To be honest, if I had to choose one thing that I really, really, like about this job is - it has got to be the teamwork and the team dynamics within a Scotiabank branch.

We all do rely on each other, we do all look out for each other, and often a scenario's going to happen in the branch where you're looking at high pressure, last minute scenario happening... everything needs to be done and you need support.

You can't possibly do this problem or whatever, on your own. So the team is always there to help you out.

We have a motto here at Scotia - One Team, One Goal. We're always looking to benefit the customer and make everybody as financially better off as possible and we're always trying to help them.

If the people you work with really make you like coming to work, and really find it enjoyable place to work, then what else could you ask for in a job to be honest?